
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Why I love Captivating Moments!

Captivating moments...

Have you ever looked at a sleeping baby and just couldn't find yourself able to look away... have you ever counted a baby's fingers and toes just to make sure they were just as perfect as the first time you counted them... have you ever looked at a two year old and seen exactly what they were thinking just by that little twinkle in their eyes... have you ever seen a couple so in love that you couldn't help but smile... have you ever seen a family grow with time and beauty as each member takes their place in the family...

...have you ever wished you could have saved a moment in time...

Captivating moments fly by with every passing day. I love capturing them!

It started years ago, this passion for capturing moments. I started with just a simple digital camera, your basic point and shoot, but I loved finding those moments. When that no longer satisfied my craving to capture moments I bought my first SLR camera (well to be honest my husband bought it for me... thanks) Ever since I have been taking pictures. Every family member, friend and neighbor. I had to capture the moments for them! Now here I am writing about my love for photography. I am still learning, but I learn something new about my style and people every time I take a picture.

If you are interested in me capturing your moments, please contact me. (714) 262-2692

Amanda Scheid

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